You’ve Been Invited to Participate in…
Lead a Powerful and Centered Life
2014 Enlightened Leader Training Weekend
by Michele Hébert and Mehrad Nazari, Ph.D.
with Special Guest Presenter Bo Eason
Saturday, October 25, 2014, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, October 26, 2014, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Hotel La Jolla
La Jolla, California
Elevate Your Personal Interactions and Advance Your Career
We teach individuals how to lead their lives from the inside out because
success in work and life, body and mind, are all connected within.
This is expert enlightened guidance on how to
lead a powerful and centered life.
We train you in:
Enlightened Negotiation®
TRANSCEND a myopic vision of negotiation and tap into the infinite potential and innate
desire of the human spirit to connect and CO-CREATE for a balanced PROSPERITY.
CULTIVATE concentration and focus and experience the truth of each moment as it
presents itself to you. In the NOW, you are able to be less emotionally reactive and more
fully present in a non-judgmental way to the events and people who show up in your life.
Adversity Management
DEVELOP new responses to perceived challenges.
Personal Story Power
ELEVATE your communication and create intimacy in your personal and professional life
by mastering your Personal Story.
Michele Hébert and Mehrad Nazari, Ph.D.
2014 Enlightened leader Training Weekend Tuition: $997.00*
* For no additional fee, we invite you to bring along someone who shares and supports you in your determination to grow and evolve.

Celebrated former NFL player/playwright/actor/motivational speaker